Online Backend Unavailable Error (October 2024)
Some players may experience an "Online Backend is Not Available" error as of October 6, 2024. This issue stems from an Amazon server certificate not automatically updating. To resolve this, players...
What is my Player Cloud ID? Where can I find it?
When creating a ticket, the form may ask you to include your Player Cloud ID. This is a string of letters and numbers that serve as a way for us to identify you. Open the game menu. Select the “Se...
How do I save my outpost? Is my outpost automatically saved?
Outposts are automatically saved to our servers as they are built. If you are disconnected while building, your Outpost will be saved from the last triggered autosave point.
When playing in co-op do both players receive rewards?
When playing in co-op both players will receive rewards individually. These are not shared between both players. During Raiding, Players will receive GenMat based on whether they are able to stea...
How to update your Video/Audio Drivers
If you allow your drivers to become out-of-date, you may run into a variety of problems in Meet Your Maker, and with day-to-day computer usage. It is highly recommended to keep your drivers up to ...
NAT FAQ (Network Issues)
NAT (Network Address Translation) is a networking concept that allows your router to share a single IP (Internet Protocol) address across multiple devices on your network. Instead of your ISP (Inte...
I lost access to non-owned or owned DLC
The following article applies to players who have logged into Meet Your Maker and noticed they no longer have access to DLC(s). This can happen on a new update, but the most common cases are as fol...
What are your official social media channels?
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/MeetYourMakerGame X: https://twitter.com/MeetYourMaker Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/meetyourmakergame/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/meetyourmakergame ...
Network Troubleshooting
Below you will find some basic, as well as some more advanced, troubleshooting steps which can be used to help with connection and network issues.Basic Troubleshooting: 1. Move your router closer t...
What is the Pantheon of Builders?
The Pantheon of Builders is a new even that allow players to submit their own Outposts to be featured and earn a unique decal.